Yarudora (やるドラ) es una serie de juegos del tipo "elige tu propia aventura" por medio de videos FMV, es decir full animados. De hecho esta serie fue la que inspiró el lanzamiento de Steins;Gate Elite. Fue creada por Sugar and Rockets Inc., SCEI, y el estudio de animación Production I.G (Guilty Crown, Psycho-Pass, Ghost in the Shell). El nombre de la serie proviene de la combinación entre yaru, la palabra japonesa para "hacer", y "drama", lo que resulta en algo más o menos como "realizar un drama" o "un drama que haces tú". Son juegos donde verán cinemáticas animadas y cada tanto aparecerán decisiones, contando con múltiples finales. Los primeros 4 títulos de la serie fueron lanzados originalmente en 1998 para PSX. En 2005 todos recibieron ports para PSP. El pasado 29 de Noviembre el usuario Cargodin y su equipo lanzaron la traducción completa del volumen 1, Double Cast.
Es de duración
Corta, es decir, entre 2 a 10 horas aproximadamente.
Detalle: este juego fue calificado como +12, siendo apto para adolescentes en adelante.*Notas del Parche/Advertencias: -Creemos haber parcheado todos los gráficos, pero si detectan alguno, avísennos así los rastreamos.-Algunas de las cuerdas (no sé a qué se refieren con strings, diálogos?) no están alineadas, y trataremos de corregirlas en otro parche. Decidimos lanzar el parche de todas formas para no retrasarlo todavía más.-Si no ven los subtítulos revisen si están activados en las opciones. Display > Text/Voice y asegúrense de que está seleccionado Text+Voice.-Las demos de los demás volúmenes no están insertadas, por favor no las seleccionen.
·PlotThe game begins with you, the main character, waking up at a fountain to
the face of a pretty girl. You are a high school boy, and this girl has
helped you out of the garbage where you had passed out in a drunken
stupor. (Talk about first impressions!) As it turns out, she cannot
remember anything about herself except for her name, Akasaka Mitsuki.
Since she has no place to stay, you offer your own, and so begins your
unusual relationship with this spirited girl. When your film club finds
itself in need of a female lead, Mitsuki joins in, and from there the
main story begins to unfold.
·Yarudora Portable: Double CastEl
archivo que van a descargar consisten de una única parte de 726mb,
que al
descomprimir con WinRAR obtendrán la ISO del juego ya parcheado con la traducción 1.1, y la Walkthrough que el propio traductor provee. Pueden correr el juego en una PSP flasheada, en PC/Android vía el emulador PPSSPP, y todavía no lo probé pero asumo que debería funcionar en PS Vita vía Adrenaline.GoogleDrive (v1.1)Contraseña: nahucirujano.blogspot.comTorrent (v1.1)PPSSPP
Recuerden que están disponibles
Patreon, el
Ko-fi, y
Cafecito para quienes quieran colaborar conmigo, o directamente vía
Paypal. Disfruten de esta historia. Saludos.
Se ve hermoso, gracias.
ResponderEliminarcuando tenndras riddle joker para descargar
ResponderEliminarHoy más tarde. Ahora están haciendo unos arreglos de las conexiones de luz en mi casa, así que no puedo usar la PC todavía 😅
Eliminarya veo
EliminarQueda para mañana, sorry.
Eliminargood day nahu, i wanted to ask if there is the posibility of you uploading the sagara family game?
ResponderEliminarHey Sora, how are you?
EliminarHonestly, I don't plan to upload (I mean, posting) that specific game.
But since the game size is not large, I downloaded it and I uploaded to GDrive for you:
Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D-hJv0wtAigJ0A7j4ibHvbzMaMW65qbg/view?usp=sharing
Password: nahucirujano.blogspot.com
Let me know when you're done so I can delete the file.
Aditionally, here are a couple of active torrents:
1° Mount SAGARA.isz file with Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%.
2° Install the game but DO NOT install Virtual-Mate Launcher.
i installed the game, but this game has no sound it says that there will be no voice or sound effects because the system does not support ADPCM files, and the bgm music cannot turn off. I know this game had this problem but i thought that maybe from this your site the game would be good but it isnt. So, do you know a way to fix this nahu? Or is it hopeless. By the way, thanks for uploading this for me. Thanks
EliminarI just tested the game on my Windows 7 PC and I have the same problem, no voices.
EliminarAfter a research, I found that this game suffers from the "G-Collections syndrome", as users call it.
It seems that most of these G-Collections games has problems because they use ADPCM files which, yes, there are not supported or have problems on Windows 7, Windows XP SP2/3, and even other SOs.
Basically, in order to work, this game needs version 4.0 of two System32 files: imaadp.acm and msadp.acm.
If I'm not wrong, thing is that version 4.0 comes with early versions of Windows XP. But people who still have XP, most likely have SP3, which comes with updated versions of those files (5.0 or 5.1). Windows 7 too, or has problems with ADPCM, I don't know exactly.
Apparently, there are a couple of solutions:
1° Somehow finding version 4.0 of those 2 files and replacing them on System32 (after backing up originals). I think some codec packs include them. But I'm not sure, and I don't want to give you any links, since all the ones I found seem odd and untrustworthy.
2° Assuming you have Windows 7: change back to Windows XP. I personally would not do that just to play one single game.
I read a comment that suggested this, either going back to XP or updating to 8 or 10 (according to him 8/10 should not have any problem with ADPCM). Again, I would not update just for that.
PS: while writing this I found this site:
Since it's an actual hentai games website and not some random strange forum, I think it would be trustworthy.
I couldn't test this since my PC is not allowing me to replace the file, it says I don't have permissions (I don't know why, since there's only my admin user and no more, but well).
I was able to test it, I had to search a tutorial of how to have permissions to modify System32 files.
EliminarBut sadly, this solution did not work for me, sorry :(
thank you for trying! i appreciate it
EliminarNo se me da muy bien el ingles, pero encontré esto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X74LfHpLdb8&lc=UgjkXkwsYP0k13gCoAEC Espero que os sirva de algo.